1. Advanced
  2. Computed Properties

Computed Properties

Valtio itself doesn't provide a functionality for computed properties, but you can emulate it with object getters and setters.

⚠️ Note: This is a very advanced usage.

Simple getter

const state = proxy({
  count: 1,
  get doubled() {
    return state.count * 2

Getter and setter

const state = proxy({
  count: 1,
  get doubled() {
    return state.count * 2
  set doubled(newValue) {
    state.count = newValue / 2

State usage tracking with proxy-memoize

State usage tracking allows to optimize invoking functions. You need to install proxy-memoize.

import { memoize } from 'proxy-memoize'

const memoizedDoubled = memoize((snap) => snap.count * 2)

const state = proxy({
  count: 1,
  text: 'hello',
  get doubled(): { return memoizedDoubled(snapshot(state)) },

In this case, even if the text property changes, the memoized function won't be re-executed.

Note about using this

You can use this instead of state in object getters and setters. You should be familiar with how JS this works, as this can point to proxy state or snapshot object depending on usage.